Archive for October, 2012

This week I’ve taken the first tentative steps towards a new VW themed crafting project as part of my October focus on ‘Making Memories’.

So for the next few days it’s all about cutting out endless squares from old pairs of jeans that I’ve worn at numerous festivals and on many camping trips over the last four years – minus the mud, grass, oil and beer stains that they’ve accumulated as a result! 😉

The first batch of denim squares – With many more still to cut out!

I haven’t got very far at the moment; I think I need a couple of hundred at least before I can really make a start! Still, one leg down and a good few more to go……. 😉

Hopefully more will be revealed next week………

I was tempted to take this week off and away from the blog – It’s been Mr Other Half’s birthday earlier on in the week and then the youngest bully of the bus decided to be stricken with a mystery illness……. I haven’t really spent much time crafting anything over the last few days as a result and really don’t have much to write about 😦

However, my eldest son made a request for a dessert that I used to make all the time when he was younger and I thought I’d share it with you quickly as part of my ‘Making Memories’ theme for October.

Basically, he asked if I could make a baked rice pudding for after the Sunday roast dinner – nice and thick with a sticky, nutmeg crusted top and a blob of homemade jam – just like I used to make ‘back in the day’. His wish was my command………

A treat for my eldest son – an old favourite from back in the day.

There’s lots of recipes available online if you want to try making this lovely old fashioned pud for yourself. And with the nights drawing in and a nip in the air it’s just the ticket for warming you through whilst dreaming of days gone by. Lovely!

Hopefully I’ll be back on track with a new crafting adventure next week – I think I might just have another serving of pud first though……. See you soon 🙂

It’s another new month – And making memories is the theme throughout October.

In an effort to address this I’ve had my head down for the past week or so and have been working flat out to complete a piece of work in preparation for the imminent arrival of a new baby. My aim has been to make a special gift that will hopefully become a cherished item for many years to come – my attempt at making a modern heirloom I guess……..

It’s been a joy to make but an absolute nightmare to photograph – a labour of love either way you choose to look at it.

And the fruits of my labour……

How on earth do you photograph such a creation to show it to it’s best advantage?

A circular receiving blanket – Hand crocheted with lots of love and care. Here’s hoping it generates lots of happy memories for years to come…. 😉

So many teeny tiny stitches!

Every day it grew bigger and bigger!

Ivory white and ultra soft and snuggly 🙂

All the time I was working on it it reminded me of something that I did many moons ago……. it took me back to my first attempt at knitting in the round back in 1989….. to a time when I sat down and made a similar item for my second child. Lots of happy memories but not really the sort of thing I’d advise you to attempt the very first time you start knitting with four needles simultaneously, as needless to say it was a bit of an ambitious task that took way longer to finish than this current crocheted confection! But weirdly enough, I think I’ve enjoyed making this so much that I kind of want to start another ‘baby’ project – maybe something that uses up my ever growing stash of yarn left over from other stuff……

Think I’ll have to have a good look here and find my next little labour:

Happy crafting folks! 🙂