Archive for February, 2011

Although full of cold and coughing and spluttering alarmingly, today’s bit of February sunshine has inspired me to bite the bullet and clean the bus.

Inside first with an airing to various cupboards, bits of bedding etc and a general purge of all the rubbish that I should have taken out at the end of last season. Bit of hoovering, a bottle of Flash liberally applied EVERYWHERE (!) and a wipe down of the windows should do the trick.

Took all the covers off the seats for good measure and they’re now in the washing machine. Will have to wear sunglasses when I’ve finished as he’ll be all bright and shiny 😉

I’ll leave sorting out the exterior until the end of next month – there’s far too many new rusty bits that have appeared to contemplate treating them yet! A plan of action is definitely needed 😦

Hello world!

Posted: February 24, 2011 in The Garage

I’ve finally ditched my website in favour of all things pertaining to the blogosphere ;)Possibly a wise move considering that of the 60+ pages I’d created on the site I only ever had about a fifth showing at any given time!

Here’s hoping I can get to grips with creating something worth looking at before the VW show season gets into full swing and I hit the road again…